中文 Let's talk


The force behind our success

We are problem solvers who think outside the box to find a better answer. We take in the big picture and apply a high level of due diligence upfront to deliver watertight solutions, a smooth process and successful outcome.

Let's talk

Ladi Smetana


Jenny Bull

Water Engineer

Dawn Watson

Administration Team Leader

Duncan Kemsley

Civil Engineer

Brent Stewart

CAD Specialist

Greg McKeever

Principal | Nelson Branch Manager | Subdivision Engineer

Kate Necklen

Structural Engineer

Vassili Malgin

CAD Designer - Structural

Liam Jagvik

Director | Surveyor

Jono Renwick

Principal | Surveyor

Peter Henry

CAD Designer - Civil

Kieran Stuart


Nick Sudarikov

CAD Designer - Structural

Quentin Farrelly, a Geotechnical Engineering Technician with Eliot Sinclair, stands outdoors in a blue checkered shirt. His gray hair is slightly windswept, contrasting the blurred greenery behind him.

Quentin Farrelly

Geotechnical Engineering Technician

Roger Claessens

Survey Technician

Rick Paulsen

Survey Technician